You can purchase the rental property using the RTO contract's purchase option for less than the total of payments. An option to purchase is an agreement that gives a potential buyer ("optionee") the right, but not the obligation, to buy property in the future.Toown policy allows you to rent a car for a period of time and put a portion of the rental payments toward buying the car. A California renttoown agreement combines a residential lease arrangement and a real estate purchase addendum. Any auto lease includes a buy out. A lease agreement will include an option for the tenant to purchase the leased property during or at the end of the term of a lease agreement. If the tenant decides to buy the property, the lease should be converted to a purchase contract. This is a tutorial on the option agreement car form OA often used with lease option agreements sometimes with wholesaling. This document is a contract of lease with an option to purchase a vehicle between ABC Corp. As the lessor and an individual as the lessee.