Contact Toyota of Lincoln Park's finance team today or if you're ready to start the financing process, you can fill out our secure finance application online. Step 1: Tell us about your car.There's no simpler, faster, or more efficient way to sell your car in Chicago than with GivemetheVIN! I suggest doing a bit of research, put an add on craigslist. CarBrain makes it easy to sell your old car for cash in Chicago. Get an offer for your used car in just 90 seconds. Search thousands of reviews, Chicagoland vehicles near you, great values based on your budget, find a car show or a cruise night. The Electronic Registration and Title (ERT) System allows you to complete and print an Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190) online. Fill out an online loan application to see what financing options and interest rates are available for you. When people take the route of financing a vehicle, it is typically required that you provide a down payment once you are done filling out the paperwork.