"Store Location" means the Clark Rental address in the upper left-hand corner on the first page of this Rental Contract. Make sure you have a clear Vehicle Leasing Agreement.Overview of a typical car lease agreement with explanations on how everything is calculated. This file provides detailed information and clear instructions for filling out a motor vehicle lease agreement. The printed lease form must be labeled "lease agreement," "retail lease agreement," or "motor vehicle lease agreement. Use this template when leasing a car from a third party or agency. Unsure what to include in your shortterm rental agreement as a host? – info on lease agreements, landlord liability, state statutes, etc. An overview of the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants can be found in the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RLTA) RCW Chapter 59.18. If you have an Agility, Operating Lease or Contract Hire agreement with Mercedes-Benz, find out here what you have to do before returning your vehicle.