I am looking at a cpo vehicle that has the first ownership as "Personal lease" for 6000 miles and the 2nd ownership as "Lease" for another 30K miles. Carfax report says the Type of Owner was "Personal lease".I'm wondering if there's any reason that should be a red or yellow flag. E.g. The printed lease form must be labeled "lease agreement," "retail lease agreement," or "motor vehicle lease agreement. You pay taxes on the portion of the car you use. However, the noticeable difference between personal and business leasing is that as a business leaser, you can claim back the VAT. Leasing generally keeps monthly payments lower, but you don't build equity. Is leasing or buying a car better for you? Leases is an extensive subject that covers a variety of topics, including vacancy leases, renewal leases, security deposits, roommates, subletting, and more. Supreme Toyota of Hammond, serving Albany, LA, is your one-stop car dealership to lease or finance your next vehicle!