Owners of rental properties (single family homes, duplexes and condo units) in the City of Dallas will be required to register their properties annually. Use a Dallas residential lease agreement to highlight the terms of a landlordtenant relationship and explain each party's responsibilities.Fill out only one box. If you fill out the Declaration, you will not need to sign the form in front of a notary public. Ayuda de dinero en efectivo de TANF para familias. TANF: Asistencia Temporal a Familias Necesitadas. Our Mission: To support children, youth, families, and seniors from crisis to stability to well-being Puede contactar a su empleador o administrador de beneficios jubilatorios y averiguar si tienen un modelo del formulario QDRO. Then you can get started on your list of things to do in Dallas! Testimonio Modelo de Divorcio sin Hijos listo.