What is an Auto Lease Agreement Template? An auto lease agreement template is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of an auto lease.A Texas lease agreement is a written contract explaining the inner workings of a rental transaction involving a piece of real estate. 1. Enter the names and addresses of the owner and renter. This Lease Contract is valid only if filled out before January 1, 2020. Your Initials: _ ______ Initials of Our Representative: ______. Tenant will complete an Inventory and Condition Form, noting any damages to the Property, and deliver it to Landlord within days after the Commencement Date. THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (called the "Lease") is between the ______ Housing Authority (called "PHA") and the Tenant named in the Contract (called "Tenant"). Documentation showing the tax collected per lease payment may be in the form of a statement from the lessor or a copy of the lease agreement. Enter the effective date of the lease agreement.