A Florida rent-to-own lease agreement allows the tenant an option to purchase the property under pre-determined terms. A Florida renttoown agreement allows a tenant to lease a property from a landlord with the option to buy the residence within a certain period.The document details the lease terms, duration, purchase price, and other conditions related to renting and buying the property. "A lease option is a contract in which a landlord and tenant agree that, at the end of a specified period, the renter can buy the property at a specified price. Want to rent and buy a home in Florida? Use our lease-to-purchase agreement template for Florida to start the process. Learn the differences between Lease Purchase and Lease Option Agreements in Florida and how they can help you secure your dream home. A: In Florida, a lease purchase agreement outlines the terms of the lease, the rent amount, and the option to buy the property at the end of the lease term. Filling out a Florida Real Estate Lease To Own Agreement requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of mutually agreed-upon terms. Lease purchase agreements will often have a longer period of time for the lease, typically up to 3 years. 2.