There are typically two kinds of leases: The Individual Liability Leases (common to properties in West Campus) and Joint and Several Liability Leases. Under individual lease programs you are assigned roommates, which gives you no control over who you live with.Austin Tenants Council provides a Renting Together Contract that you and your roommate(s) can fill out and sign before you move in. In a joint lease, you and your roommates both have your names on the lease and share equal responsibility for damages and rent. What to Do If You Want to Break a TwoPerson Lease? Joint leasing is a great way to share the cost of renting, but what happens when someone wants to move out? Introduction When renting out properties, landlords typically include joint and several liability clauses in lease agreements. Write down the full names of everyone who will be living in the rental property and the landlord or property manager. This type of lease is common in student housing or rental properties that accommodate multiple unrelated tenants. Unlike better-known joint leases, individual leases allow two or more people to live in the same apartment but pay separate rents.