Landlord and Tenant agree to execute the Certificate of Commencement, in the form attached and made a part of this Lease as. No information is available for this page.Page lease agreement is made between a landlord and tenant to create a simple rental arrangement. A Texas lease agreement is a contract that grants a tenant the right to occupy a residential or commercial property in exchange for the payment of rent. Tenant will complete an Inventory and Condition Form, noting any damages to the Property, and deliver it to Landlord within days after the Commencement Date. This Lease Contract ("Lease") is between you, the resident(s) as listed below and us. The terms "you" and "your" refer to all residents. A lease is a contract between a landlord and a tenant. As with any contract, both parties have the right to negotiate the terms before entering into it. A Texas lease agreement is a written contract explaining the inner workings of a rental transaction involving a piece of real estate.