Before you sign, make sure you understand every part of your auto lease contract. Let's take a close look at a real vehicle lease agreement.By signing this contract, I choose to purchase the motor vehicle on credit according to the terms of this contract. I have a signed car lease agreement. A week after signing, the dealership calls me to inform me that they made a mistake. (Attach to this application a copy of the lease agreement or property deed, an engineered survey, and legal description of the property.). Sterling McCall Lexus Clear Lake wants to help you understand the different terms and conditions of auto leasing when deciding whether to lease or buy. Genesis of Southwest Houston knows that car lease agreements may seem complicated on the surface, but they don't have to be. A friend of ours has brought to our attention that they are legally not allowed to change the contract once signed in any way. This manual will be updated on a regular basis to incorporate changes in the law.