Austin Tenants Council provides a Renting Together Contract that you and your roommate(s) can fill out and sign before you move in. Here, learn about your responsibilities for unpaid rent and eviction procedures with a nonpaying roommate, what a landlord's role is under such circumstances.A Texas roommate agreement is a contract between two or more people who share and pay for a rented residence. If the roommate is on the same lease, then they cannot be evicted on their own. A roommate agreement is a legally binding document that you and whomever you share your living space with will sign. You need, at a minimum, a month to month lease for the room. If you want to make rules and the home and use, that would be a roommate agreement. A Roommate Agreement is a written contract that roommates create to list their rights and responsibilities when living together. Section 26.01 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. This section states that a lease agreement for longer than one year must be in writing.