Information you can expect to fill out includes the car's VIN, make, and model, the name and permanent address of each party involved, and the sales amount. Leased vehicles must be registered in the names of both the lessor and the lessee.The lessor is designated as LSR; the lessee is designated as LSE. Please print this form, fill it out, and fax or mail it to: Hamilton Cove Real Estate PO Box 367. Using this car rental form helps save the car renter's personal information, car insurance, vehicle rental rate, fuel policy, mileage, and payment. A California motor vehicle bill of sale is part of the vehicle registration process. Use a free template to write your own bill of sale. A car rental agreement template is signed between the owner of the car and the person renting as a mutual agreement that the car was taken in good condition. Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument. Rental Agreements and Leases.