Safely lease your property using a lease-to-purchase agreement North Carolina. Learn the legal considerations and what terms the contract should contain.Description: This example of an agreement between a developer and a lease- purchaser is intended to illustrate how NSP grantees, subrecipients. North Carolina imposes a motor vehicle lease and subscription tax on the privilege of using the highways of this state. This contract outlines the terms of a rent-to-own agreement between an owner and renter of a vehicle. Going to Mecklenburg County but need a rental car? Reserve Now, Pay Later! • Tenant can work out an agreement with the landlord to stay. It is recommended to get any agreement worked out after a judgment in writing. Each reference to Herc Rentals in the Exhibits and Appendices shall be deemed to mean the Company. 1.1. 1.2,. 1.3. 1.4.