A. The Rent shall be payable in monthly installments on the ________day of each month, with a five (5) day grace period. b. A pet addendum is a legal document that outlines a landlord's terms and conditions on having pets, ESA, and service animals on the property.Attached you will find the Rental Application Packet. The property owner may have a pet policy with a box on the lease agreement to acknowledge if the tenant will have a pet or not. A landlord can outline in their rental agreement whether they accept pets. As a tenant, you must pay the rent and security deposit and follow all other legal requirements in the lease agreement. As we go over a sample Florida lease agreement, you'll see that it's more of a "fillintheblank" form vs a customized contract. If so, that agreement will become a part of the lease. Even if you have a no-pets policy in place, a tenant could still bring in an ESA because they are not considered pets. Welcome to Cardinal Tutorials.