A. The Rent shall be payable in monthly installments on the ________day of each month, with a five (5) day grace period. b. A Florida lease agreement is a legal document between a landlord and tenant to rent commercial or residential property.As we go over a sample Florida lease agreement, you'll see that it's more of a "fillintheblank" form vs a customized contract. Another good resource is to contact your local law schools as they often have clinics with attorneys that will assist in these types of cases. Photo I.D. (driver's license, passport, resident I.D.) b. Social Security numbers can be removed from official records on documents that are publicly available online. Even in the absence of a written lease, the law imposes duties and gives rights to the parties. Locally, the program is known as the Miami-Dade Housing Choice Voucher (MDHCV) program. What will I have to do as a voucher holder in the HCV Program? 11.05 Personal Property: Any personal property of the Lessee or of others placed in the.