Generally, a written lease states that if a tenant remains after the fixed term expires, the tenancy shall be considered a month-to- month tenancy. Leases differ somewhat in terms, but items that the parties may wish to include in a written lease agreement are: 1) Name and signature of the landlord;.A lease agreement in Michigan is a legally binding contract between the property owner and tenant. "NOTICE: Michigan law establishes rights and obligations for parties to rental agreements. This agreement is required to comply with the Truth-in-Renting Act. If you are thinking about renting a home without signing a lease, you may want to read Oral Leases to learn about some of the protections you may be giving up. Because of limited funding, only 1 in 4 eligible households receive rent payment assistance. The average wait time for subsidized housing is over 2 years. The public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to be up to 0.5 hours, including the time for reading the contract. Tomonth lease automatically renews at the beginning of each month when you pay the rent and your landlord accepts it.