A guarantor is a person or a company who will co-sign on your lease in case you do not qualify to rent an apartment in New York on your own. Here you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions, downloadable forms to help you manage your lease, and essential telephone numbers.You must answer all the questions and complete all the required fields in the application. Draft CoSign Lease Form A lease guarantor form should be presented to the tenant and guarantor for review. For a consultation about drafting a potential New Jersey lease, contact us at 201-791-1333 or simply fill out the contact form on the left hand side. The termination notice must be in writing and you should state the reason why you are ending the lease contract. A guarantee in Massachusetts is to be treated like any other contract and must contain all the necessary terms and conditions to make it enforceable. The county's obligation under the guarantee agreement includes a pledge of ad valorem taxes on all the taxable real property in the county. You've found an apartment and when you finally fill out the application form, you realize you need a cosigner.