You will pay the daily rate stated in the Agreement for each Day, or part of any Day, of the rental. The minimum charge is one Day, plus mileage or a fixed fee.Vehicle rental programs will be for both shortterm and longterm rental. Travel in Mexico is not included in the Solicitation. A welldrafted car hire contract agreement covers everything from rental duration and mileage limits to insurance coverage and potential fees. TERMS AND CONDITIONS - READ THIS CAREFULLY - RENTER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH VEHICLE DAMAGE. Q: Can I negotiate terms in a car rental contract? A: Negotiation is encouraged to ensure both parties are comfortable with the terms. Rental Terms and Conditions is a document you receive when you are given access to the car you are renting ("Rental Contract") Shortterm motor vehicle rentals are leases of vehicles under an agreement for 28 days or less.