However, landlord must post the location of the personal property (but not describe the personal property) for 30 days on the leased premises and mail tenant. Business personal property must be listed with the Tax Assessor during the month of January.North Carolina Department of Revenue has a standard form that can make listing business personal property easier. Complete all sections at the top of the form, whether or not they are specifically addressed in these INSTRUCTIONS. Want to file online? Use our Online Property Listing System to file your current year listing form. A North Carolina lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant for the renting of property. A North Carolina lease agreement allows a tenant to rent a property from a landlord while following specific terms. A North Carolina lease agreement defines the rights and responsibilities of a landlord and the tenant who will rent their rental property. (8). The name of the person identified in the rental application, lease agreement, or other landlord document as the authorized person to contact in the event.