Explore Acura lease end options at our Acura dealer near Alameda, CA. Return a leased Acura or upgrade to a new model with our Acura lease return process. The printed lease form must be labeled "lease agreement," "retail lease agreement," or "motor vehicle lease agreement.In short, a lease buyout is when a dealership allows you to purchase a vehicle at or before the end of a lease contract for the price of its remaining value. A lease agreement, once signed, becomes a legally binding agreement between you and the car leasing company. Applying for financing online with Audi Financial Services is a quick and secure way to take the next step toward owning a new Audi. Honda Lease Termination in the San Francisco, Oakland, and Hayword area. New or Special for Sale in Oakland, CA. View our Downtown Subaru of Oakland inventory to find the right vehicle to fit your style and budget! Signing this document can help both parties to avoid disputes in the future. If you're leasing a vehicle, most finance companies will include a buyout option as part of your lease agreement.