Florida law requires that notices to and from a landlord must be in writing and must be either hand-delivered or mailed, even if the rental agreement is oral. The agreements contained in the Lease set forth the complete understanding of the parties and may not be changed or terminated orally.Complete the Sheriff Information Sheet. (Form may be obtained from the Clerk). Landlord's Name and Address – The lease must include the name and contact information of the landlord or other point of contact for the lease. 2. Standard Residential Agreement – The most common type of rental contract that allows the landlord and tenant to come to a binding arrangement for the property. An owner is free to terminate a lease agreement pursuant to the State and local laws. Once the lease agreement ends, the HAP Contract terminates automatically. All rental units within the City are required to secure a rental tax application. In West Palm Beach and the State of Florida, a tenant is an equal party to a landlord.