You must meet the minimum age restrictions, present a valid driver's license and possess an acceptable charge card in your name. Budget car rental FAQs, find out all about the requirements to rent a car with us, from age restrictions and deposits, to insurance requirements and more.Dave and Ann both start flipping out. Ann saying she isnt going to get in a car that has bed bugs. The answer is that as an EC member, your spouse is automatically an authorized driver without needing to be explicitly listed on the rental contract. Step 1: Follow the instructions in this packet to fill out the necessary forms. You should give them a notice to vacate after at least five days. If they don't leave within the timeframe, you can file an eviction action with the court. Carry proof of vehicle ownership or a rental agreement and a driver's license and shall show such documents upon the request of a peace officer. You will need to fill out this application to certify your individually owned, shared vehicle for Peer-to-Peer sharing use per A.R.S. § 28-9616.