Get an individual lease for each roommate, instead of a joint lease covering all of the roommates. There are typically two kinds of leases: The Individual Liability Leases (common to properties in West Campus) and Joint and Several Liability Leases.In a joint lease, you and your roommates both have your names on the lease and share equal responsibility for damages and rent. Under individual lease programs you are assigned roommates, which gives you no control over who you live with. Unlike betterknown joint leases, individual leases allow two or more people to live in the same apartment but pay separate rents. A joint lease is an important term to understand for those leasing with roommates. Roomrental leases are typically used in shared apartments or houses, whereas bedrental leases are more common in student housing facilities. Unlike better-known joint leases, individual leases allow two or more people to live in the same apartment but pay separate rents. Not on the lease you have no legal right to be there, do not do that get the landlord to put you on the lease or move out to your own rental. No information is available for this page.