An option to purchase is an agreement that gives a potential buyer ("optionee") the right, but not the obligation, to buy property in the future. You can purchase the rental property using the RTO contract's purchase option for less than the total of payments.Leasing a car with the opportunity to buy it later can be a good way to get a new car for a low upfront investment and lower initial monthly payments. Go to a dealership, pick out a car, lease it. You always have the option to buy at lease end. Toown policy allows you to rent a car for a period of time and put a portion of the rental payments toward buying the car. This is a tutorial on the option agreement car form OA often used with lease option agreements sometimes with wholesaling. Before you sign, make sure you understand every part of your auto lease contract. Let's take a close look at a real vehicle lease agreement. A California renttoown agreement combines a residential lease arrangement and a real estate purchase addendum.