THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Texas Lease Agreement") is made and entered into this ____ day of. A Texas lease agreement is a written contract explaining the inner workings of a rental transaction involving a piece of real estate.Our Texas lease agreement template can help you create your own and start renting your property. Download it as a PDF or Word file below. THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (called the "Lease") is between the San Antonio Housing Authority, (called "SAHA" or. Create a free rental agreement for your Texas properties. Drag and drop to customize. Download a San Antonio residential lease agreement to create an arrangement between a tenant and a landlord for a residential property. A lease agreement is a legal document between a landlord and tenant that lays out the terms and conditions of renting property. Room Rental Agreements: A legal contract between a landlord and a tenant for the rental of a room within a larger property, such as a house or apartment.