Under individual lease programs you are assigned roommates, which gives you no control over who you live with. Yes, although the tenant is not allowed to exclude the nonconsenting owners.No information is available for this page. Customer: I rent a 10x10 room in a 4 bedroom house in Santa Clara, CA. The landlord also lives in the house in one of other bedrooms. A lease or rental agreement is an important document that can address important issues regarding tenancy such as: How long is the tenancy period. (At the sole discretion of County, the terms or conditions of this draft Lease template may be. Applications for all household members must be submitted to office staff at the same time to accurately determine eligibility. 3. Rent depending on credit report findings. Leasing or renting land is important in California agriculture. Have it all in a spacious home with smart-tech features and large, private patios or balconies.