When you rent a car you sign a contract that specifies who is allowed to drive the rental car. No one else is legally allowed to drive it.IMO, it's up to you if you want to drive unimproved roads and run the risk of voiding your rental car contract. The driver will need to possess a valid driver's license, be at least 25 years of age and be subject to any applicable driving record check. This bill enacts provisions regarding vehicle rentals and establishes requirements for 10 private vehicle rentals. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Rental Reservation Form. The renter and all authorized drivers must present a valid, unexpired, and original driver's license at the time of the rental. The primary renter must fill out a non-licensed renter form, and the driver needs to present their license and be at least 25. Friend or Extended Family Member. Only you may operate the Vehicle, except as provided below.