The agreement should explain how you exercise the option. Some RTOs will not let you exercise the option until the end of the rental period, many years out.A Washington rent-to-own lease agreement is a standard rental contract between a landlord and tenant that also includes an option to buy. A Washington leasetoown agreement allows tenants to buy a rented dwelling during their lease term. The document acts as a traditional lease. A lease purchase agreement between a tenant and a landlord allows the renter the option to eventually buy the property. What is an "option to purchase? " It is an agreement between you and your landlord giving you a chance to buy the home later if you complete all conditions. "A lease option is a contract in which a landlord and tenant agree that, at the end of a specified period, the renter can buy the property at a specified price. Use the Lease Purchase Option to set forth all of the details of the transaction, including rent credits, purchase price, and time frame.