In order to ensure that your payments continue to be processed in a timely manner, please complete the attached agreement and follow submission instructions. Instructions for Filing and Service of Financial Disclosure Forms: 1.Complete any requests for proposals (RFP) for any accounts receivable related vendors (e.g. Collection agencies). The University of California, Riverside Guide to Contracting (Guide) is designed to assist campus personnel. Attach a Community or Quasi-Community Declaration (form FL-160) to respond to item 10, and complete column A on all pages. FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ON COMPLETING YOUR ON-LINE APPLICATION, CLICK HERE: Application Guide. Bid Forms: The proposer must utilize all bid forms, or exact facsimiles, as supplied in the Contract. Document. Contract Temporary Internship. Job Description Job Title: Accounts Payable Officer Contract Type: 12 Months FixedTerm Contract Salary: £31675.77 per annum