Accounts receivable collects critical revenue from customers or debtors – a key activity in supporting a government's operations and service delivery. We have been purchasing accounts receivable for over 40 years, are independently held, and have a proven track record of being FINANCIALLY SOLID.Improve your cash flow with Accounts Receivable Financing at First Mid, a program designed to put your company on an all-cash basis with your customers. The concept is simple: accounts payable represents money you owe, while accounts receivable represents money you are owed. But there's more to it than that. Accounts receivables are a hot topic for business owners because they are the primary driver of cash flowing into the company. Find accounts receivable purchase lawyers for Washington to hire. No cost to post a project to get multiple bids in hours to compare before hiring. WashU's controls over Customer Accounts Receivable includes the following procedures: If a Customer Invoice related check is sent directly to the department.