Accounts receivable collects critical revenue from customers or debtors – a key activity in supporting a government's operations and service delivery. For these sales, you need to fill out the Multiple Locations Affidavit and Worksheet.Identify and write down the 'Accounts Receivable' for January 1 and the 'Sales' for Washington Company. WashU's controls over Customer Accounts Receivable includes the following procedures: If a Customer Invoice related check is sent directly to the department. Apply to Billing Analyst, Assistant Manager, Business Analyst and more! The department needs to be set up to deposit checks and complete an online CT to credit your budget. Accounts Receivable Checklist. Selling a good or service? When setting payment policies, do not sacrifice business profit to make the sale or complete the agreement. The following is a list of questions you may need to answer so you can fill out your federal income tax return.