Content and Recording of a Lis Pendens. All papers concerning the lawsuits in this sale are on file in Bexar.County District Clerk's Office. Request for an Expedited Foreclosure. Motion to Cancel Lis Pendens, Added Bexar County Certificate of Conference. 33.06, Motion to Expunge Lis Pendens, Added Bexar County Certificate of Conference. The primary purpose of filing a Lis Pendens in Texas is to give constructive notice to all parties involved in real estate transactions. TXdocs also has the Bexar County Notice of Setting Hearings for Presiding and Monitoring Court in Family Law and Civil Litigation Local Forms. This notice is often referred to as a "Notice of Default. When using these Lis Pendens Release forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Bexar County.