The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder. The document you will need to fill out and file is called a Release of Lis Pendens.NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF ACTION TO FORFEIT REAL PROPERTY (Lis Pendens). Next, provide a description of the real estate involved in the suit. The Notice of Withdrawal form is a legal document that an attorney can file to officially withdraw a previously recorded notice of lis pendens. Code of Civil Procedure §405.50. This sample withdrawal of a Notice of Pendency of Action (Lis Pendens) for California is recorded when a party wants to release and withdraw a Lis Pendens. Adhere to the instructions below to complete Notice of pendency of action california form online quickly and easily. The signature on the notice of release of a lis pendens must be notarized. Visit your county recorder's office and ask to file a Notice of Lis Pendens.