The lawyer can help with signing a Lis Pendens for your civil unlimited case in Contra Costa County. Discover the crucial steps involved in filing and recording a Lis Pendens in Contra Costa County to safeguard property interests during ongoing legal disputes.Talkov Law's real estate litigators provide a free checklist of requirements to file a lis pendens (notice of pending action). Our eFiling Portal is currently accepting direct eFilings in the following courts: Don't forget, you also need to Record your Lis Pendens! A lis pendens also called a notice of pendency of action is a special type of legal document filed with a county recorder. To file and record a lis pendens against real estate, the claimant must have made a "real property claim" in the underlying litigation. The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder.