The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. To file and record a lis pendens against real estate, the claimant must have made a "real property claim" in the underlying litigation.The lawyer can help with signing a Lis Pendens for your civil unlimited case in Contra Costa County. A lis pendens is a notice of a potential ownership dispute on a property. The phrase "lis pendens" is Latin for lawsuit pending. The Clerk-Recorder's Office does not offer blank forms of documents for recording. Clerk-Recorder Staff is prohibited from giving legal advice. "To obtain a judgment lien, you must first record the judgment with the court of common pleas in the county where the debtor owns property. Learn the comprehensive process of eFiling and eRecording a Lis Pendens in Contra Costa County to protect property interests during pending lawsuits. California law on lis pendens (CCP 409).