Cook County Lis Pendens Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements.Visit your county recorder's office and ask to file a Notice of Lis Pendens. The most important document to file with the county recorder's office is the deed to your property. When using these Lis Pendens Release forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Cook County. Lis pendens, a Latin term that means "pending litigation," is a notice pronouncing that a suit has been lodged against a property. A notice of lis pendens under Illinois law for filing in the public records (the office of the county recorder) to provide constructive notice to third parties. A Lis Pendens Notice is a form that notifies the public that a lawsuit has been filed that affects a particular piece of property. The City of Chicago has labeled my house vacant, and an inspector came in and put up a list of repairs i need to make. On September 11, 1979, an affidavit of delinquent child support was filed in the case of Tabb v.