Ask the court to remove the notice (e.g. A notice of a lis pendens (Latin for "suit pending") is an instrument filed in the real property records of a county that indicates a civil lawsuit is pending.A lis pendens is a tool for notifying the public, interested persons included, that certain real property is subject to the outcome of pending litigation. You do not need permission to file a Notice of Lis Pendens. The Notice is recorded with the county recorder's office. (c) The county clerk shall record the notice in a lis pendens record. The primary purpose of filing a Lis Pendens in Texas is to give constructive notice to all parties involved in real estate transactions. The primary purpose of filing a Lis Pendens in Texas is to give constructive notice to all parties involved in real estate transactions. Pratt, 283 S.W. 653, 656 (Tex. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements.