A lis pendens simply gives notice to prospective purchasers that lawsuit involving realty has been filed. A notice of lis pendens must be filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county where the real property is situated in a book kept for such.You do not need permission to file a Notice of Lis Pendens. The Notice is recorded with the county recorder's office. You must file a separate lis pendens for each piece of real estate you wish to protect. Visit your county recorder's office and ask to file a Notice of Lis Pendens. To file and record a lis pendens against real estate, the claimant must have made a "real property claim" in the underlying litigation. Lis pendens not improper when filed in regular course of proceeding involving real property. A Lis Pendens is an alert that shows there is a legal fight over your property. Click here to go the Georgia Child Support Calculator and complete the worksheets.