Lis pendens is a notice lenders use when they initiate a foreclosure sale. Once the complaint is filed, it enters a Lis pendens, meaning a suit is pending.If you have received a notice of lis pendens in Illinois, contact real estate attorney Marc J. Blumenthal at (847) 8087092 for legal help. Download and complete Mortgage Foreclosure forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. When using these Lis Pendens forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Union County. If a foreclosure action, a new Notice must be filed more than 20 days prior to the rendering of final judgment of foreclosure and sale. Any party asserting rights or ownership to real estate or interest in real property can legally file a notice of pending litigation. Fill out the form to access a sample of Practical Guidance. Completed forms are to be submitted to Foreclosure Processing Services, Superior Court Clerks Office, P.O. Box 971, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.