Los Angeles County Release of Notice of Pending Action Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements.Download Texas Lis Pendens Release Legal Forms. Texas Lis Pendens Release Image. To file and record a lis pendens against real estate, the claimant must have made a "real property claim" in the underlying litigation. A Notice of Lis Pendens is a document recorded to evidence a pending court action concerning or affecting the title or the right of possession of real property. A lis pendens is not a mechanics lien, but it is often required as part of the lien process. Remember that a lis pendens is a notice of a pending lawsuit. The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered.