Lis Pendens, meaning "pending lawsuit" in Latin, is a public notice indicating ongoing litigation involving real property. To file a Lis Pendens in Texas, the party initiating the lawsuit must follow specific procedures outlined in the Texas Property Code.The Texas Property Code requires that the name of the case and the case number be included in the lis pendens. A lis pendens is a tool for notifying the public, interested persons included, that certain real property is subject to the outcome of pending litigation. A lis pendens would be filed, for instance, in a foreclosure action or a divorce action, etc. A notice of a lis pendens (Latin for "suit pending") is an instrument filed in the real property records of a county that indicates a civil lawsuit is pending. When using these Cancellation of Lis Pendens Notice forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg. Miss Daisy Thompson. Clerk and Stenographer ..Wake.