It puts the public on notice that a lawsuit is pending and clouds the title so the property can't easily be sold. SCAO-Approved Forms for Use in Mortgage Foreclosure.This set of forms is used in mortgage foreclosure. Fill out the Filling Fee Waiver Request Form to apply for a fee exemption. You must meet financial requirements for eligibility. A lis pendens should only be filed in the property records if you have already filed a lawsuit against the foreclosing entity. When contractors and suppliers work on a property and don't receive payment, they have a legal right to file a mechanics lien on the property. If a foreclosure action, a new Notice must be filed more than 20 days prior to the rendering of final judgment of foreclosure and sale. It's a public record file that notifies anyone who wishes to research the title history and determine the condition of title on a property . Fill in the blank form used to certify service of lis pendens.