Filing requirements for Notices of Lending can be found in section 73 of the New York State Lien law. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. UNLIMITED POWER TO BUY, SELL, MORTGAGE, LEASE REAL ESTATE Yes or No. If no, "purpose" clause to be returned in full at the bottom of this form. 6. Make a written demand for a discharge of lis pendens from the party who filed it. A notice of pendency is valid for three years from the date of filing and may be extended for additional threeyear periods upon a showing of good cause. The Office of the City Register records and maintains New York City real property and certain personal property transfer records, such as mortgage documents. Gov website belongs to an official New York State government organization. New York's notice of pendency statute1 replaces the common law rule of lis pendens. This form notice of pendency may be filed with the clerk of the county in New York where property that is the subject of an active litigation is located.