For subsequent filings the filling party must include either a Special Proceedings (AOC-SP-550), Motion (AOC-CV-752), or Court Action (AOC-CV-753) cover sheet. Action (AOC-CV-753) cover sheet.First, the lien claimant must complete a notice of claim of lien on real property. For subsequent filings in civil actions, the filing party must include either a General Civil (AOCCV751), Motion (AOCCV752), or Court Action. (a). Any person claiming real property as a tenant in common or joint tenant may petition to partition the property in superior court. Adjusting documents with our feature-rich and user-friendly PDF editor is easy. When using these Notice of Lis Pendens forms, the subject real estate must be physically located in Person County. How do I file to have a lien placed on a property in County, North Carolina? Is there a form I can complete? Any document of title or evidence "of record" that passes title an allows a person to defend their claim of ownership or rights to the property.