Lis Pendens literally means "suit pending" it is defined as the "jurisdiction, power, or control which courts acquire over property involved in a pending suit. Filing a notice of lis pendens against a property is a powerful tool to prevent the disposition of property in dispute during the pendency of litigation.Database of public and legal notices published in newspaper. Next, provide a description of the real estate involved in the suit. Lis pendens is a Latin term that literally means "lawsuit pending. A lis pendens, Latin for "lawsuit pending," is a written notice to the public that a lawsuit has been filed involving a piece of real estate. A lis pendens is a common tool used in Florida to put third parties on notice of a pending lawsuit against real estate. A Lis Pendens is merely a notice on title that transfer is prohibited absent something being met or done. Court Forms, Free forms are available for those actions that only require the single form to be filed on an existing case. From the point of the lis pendens filing, it could take anywhere from 13 months for the judicial foreclosure process to begin in earnest.