Access to Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms. The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder.Find Your Court Forms. Talkov Law's real estate litigators provide a free checklist of requirements to file a lis pendens (notice of pending action). A Lis Pendens is filed with the County Recorder in the county where the piece of property that the law suit involves is located. First, you can only file a lis pendens if you have a pending lawsuit with the circuit court. A lis pendens also called a notice of pendency of action is a special type of legal document filed with a county recorder. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. How do you file a lis pendens? Notice: Effective January 10, 2025, both the Southwest Justice Center and Southwest Juvenile Courthouse will resume normal business operations.