Notice of Lis Pendens recorded in Lis Pendens Book. To file and record a lis pendens against real estate, the claimant must have made a "real property claim" in the underlying litigation.I need to file a Lien of Lis Pendens in Knox County Tennessee but I live in Phoenix Arizona. This document is a Notice of Withdrawal of Lis Pendens filed in the Superior Court of California. You must provide either Form RD-1062 (Disclosure. Authorization Form) or Form RD-1061 (Power of. Clerk of Superior Court of Forsyth County, Georgia. Sworn and subscribed before me This ______ day of __________________________________, 20_____. Next, provide a description of the real estate involved in the suit. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. 03.