San Bernardino County Notice of Pending Action Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements.The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder. A Showing of a "Real Property Claim" is Mandatory. You do not need court's approval to record a notice of pending action (formerly known as notice of lis pendens). A Lis Pendens is filed with the County Recorder in the county where the piece of property that the law suit involves is located. A Notice of Pending Action, formerly known as a lis pendens, is a document that is recorded to give constructive record notice of a pending lawsuit. Filing a Notice of Lis Pendens is an important legal step that can protect the interests of creditors and lienholders when it comes to real estate. " (BGJ Associates v. Defendants seek monetary sanctions.