Lis Pendens, meaning "pending lawsuit" in Latin, is a public notice indicating ongoing litigation involving real property. This research guide includes information and resources on lis pendens.Latin for "pending lawsuit," lis pendens is "the jurisdiction, power, or control. Next, provide a description of the real estate involved in the suit. A lis pendens is a tool for notifying the public, interested persons included, that certain real property is subject to the outcome of pending litigation. This form is valid for sales or transfers (date of conveyance) after December 31, 2023, but before January 1, 2025. Tarrant County Lis Pendens Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. Is done through courts, Lis Pendens (LP) notices are filed to provide public notice of the existence of the foreclosurerelated lawsuit. Property in receivership is in the custody of the court.