The Judgment and Lien Department dockets Judgments, Mechanics Liens, Miscellaneous Liens and Satisfaction pieces. • Release of Lis Pendens – MGL c.Application for a summons DC-430 File with a verified complaint to request the court to issue a summons if you do not have an attorney. The amendments to Rule 9A are effective as to all motions served on or after November 1, 2018 (Applicable to civil actions) Next, provide a description of the real estate involved in the suit. The heirsatlaw or the devisees in the will are entitled to a Certificate of Title in their names. After downloading and printing applicable forms, please fill out and mail to: Suffolk County Police Department Headquarters 30 Yaphank Ave Yaphank, NY 11980. Otherwise a lis pendens might be kept up for ever. The case presents another point. On October 30, 2018, Justice Hudson of the Suffolk County Commercial Division issued a decision in Matter of 55 Wainscott Hollow, LLC v.